Insights September 15th, 2017

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Each week Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker, summarizes the top-5 future looking developments and news items that I find to be inspiring, interesting, concerning, or downright strange. Each day he reads through dozens of blogs and news websites to find those things that we should be aware of.
In Exponential Minds’ Future Trends – Plantoid Blockchain we look at how SV is erasing your individuality, Primavera De Filippi’s new species on the blockchain, startup gym pods in China, winning the cyborg olympics, and cyborg pop with Viktoria Modesta’s ‘Prototype’.

How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality

Along with Facebook, Microsoft and Apple, these companies are in a race to become our “personal assistant.” They want to wake us in the morning, have their artificial intelligence software guide us through our days and never quite leave our sides. They aspire to become the repository for precious and private items, our calendars and contacts, our photos and documents. They intend for us to turn unthinkingly to them for information and entertainment while they catalogue our intentions and aversions. Google Glass and the Apple Watch prefigure the day when these companies implant their artificial intelligence in our bodies. Brin has mused, “Perhaps in the future, we can attach a little version of Google that you just plug into your brain.”
Read more at Washington Post

Primavera de Filippi – Plantoid & DAOS: Blockchain Based Life Forms

Artist & researcher Primavera De Filippi has created a new species. It’s called Plantoid, and it’s difficult to describe in a single sentence. At first glance, it appears to be a mechanical sculpture, but taking a closer look it reveals itsself more as a mechanical creature. Primavera tells the story of the Plantoid as a “distributed autonomous organisation” or DAO, which is a quasi-legal entity that exists as executable code on the blockchain. Every Plantoid implements its own DAO, allowing it to interact with the real world.

 Startup launches gym pods across China

There’s now another way to keep fit in China, as the Chinese company Misspao has launched the ‘pod gym’, a mini-gym just large enough for one. The initial launch has been such a success that Misspao plan on installing 1,000 of the pods across the streets of China by the end of the year.
Although the gyms are very compact, there’s still enough space within them for a treadmill, screen (for music, TV or movies), an air purifier and a range of portable fitness accessories. The pods are also cleaned on a regular basis by a team of maintenance technicians. Booking a place in one of the pods is very simple. There is a companion smartphone app that handles all the bookings and payments and then the user scans in a QR code when they arrive at the pod to gain entry. The pods are very reasonable too, with costs working out to be about USD 0.25 a minute.
Currently there are no plans to launch the pods outside of China, but if they prove to be as successful as Misspao hope they will be, then a worldwide release is almost a certainty.

Read more at Springwise

How We Won Gold in the Cyborg Olympics’ Brain Race


Nikolas Badminton

Nikolas Badminton is the Chief Futurist of the Futurist Think Tank. He is world-renowned futurist speaker, a Fellow of The RSA (FRSA), a media personality, and has worked with over 400 of the world’s most impactful companies to establish strategic foresight capabilities, identify trends shaping our world, help anticipate unforeseen risks, and design equitable futures for all. In his new book – ‘Facing Our Futures’ – he challenges short-term thinking and provides executives and organizations with the foundations for futures design and the tools to ignite curiosity, create a framework for futures exploration, and shift their mindset from what is to WHAT IF…

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