Insights May 4th, 2019

The EXPONENTIAL MINDS Executive Briefing on Lunar Colonization looks at how we are planning to go to the Moon to kickstart a new economy, the companies helping us do that and what jobs there will be for us.
There is now a renewed interest in the commercialization of space. Programs like SpaceX and Blue Origin has made the process of launching cargo into space cheaper and more practical. This means, in a few years, we’ll be able to get to the moon to create lunar bases and stations.

Meet The Engineer Dreaming of a Lunar City (Bloomberg)

After a decades-long lull, interest in Lunar Colonization on the moon is back. This time it’s led by startups, including Tokyo-based ispace Inc., which is hoping to land two of its miniature rovers on the lunar surface in 2021.
Akane Imamura is part of ispace’s team racing to make that deadline, and their ultimate goal is nothing short of making the moon not only habitable, but home to an ecosystem of thriving businesses. Bloomberg Technology’s Aki Ito joins Imamura’s team as they test their most recent prototypes at a lunar simulation facility run by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

The race to colonize the Moon (CTV Future Fridays with Nikolas Badminton)

Travelling to space in the future could become as simple and common as visiting another country. and Lunar Colonization is in the works. Here Nikolas chats with Ben Mulroney about how traveling and working on the Moon could become commonplace in the future.

The future of work on the Moon

There is the potential to tap into the natural resources on the Moon and we’ll need specialists to help us do that. Here are some of the jobs we think will be important?

    • Lunar Engineers – on Earth to design this future capability, and on the Moon to help us overcome difficulties and design new in-situ solutions.
    • Lunar Scientists – to undertake experiments in reduced gravity and to ensure we can create habitable environments for humans, animals and plants.
    • Terraformers – to make large areas of the environment hospitable to humans, thus making the colonization of the Moon safer and sustainable.
    • Lunar Miners – to extract the resources on the Moon safely and efficiently.
    • Lunar farmers and chefs – to grow food and prepare meals for the workers.
    • Citizen Astronauts – the administrators and people that would live on the Moon to provide support functions.

The Lunar Gold Rush: How Moon Mining Could Work

The moon holds hundreds of billions of dollars of untapped resource. This infographic from explains how we could mine it.

See more of Nikolas’ articles:

Artificial Intelligence Bulletin – A.I. in Mining

The Future of Giant Underwater Robots

Society Work

Nikolas Badminton

Nikolas Badminton is the Chief Futurist of the Futurist Think Tank. He is world-renowned futurist speaker, a Fellow of The RSA (FRSA), a media personality, and has worked with over 400 of the world’s most impactful companies to establish strategic foresight capabilities, identify trends shaping our world, help anticipate unforeseen risks, and design equitable futures for all. In his new book – ‘Facing Our Futures’ – he challenges short-term thinking and provides executives and organizations with the foundations for futures design and the tools to ignite curiosity, create a framework for futures exploration, and shift their mindset from what is to WHAT IF…

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